ID: com.ionicframework.mymuseumapp437955
Version: 0.0.1
Size: 0 Mb
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How to install MyGuide - Helping Visitors... apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
MyGuide - Helping Visitors... Details
MyGuide is the Unique, Innovative and Intelligent Mobile APP available on Android, IOS and windows based Smart Phones, Tables, iPADS helping visitors to explore the places like Museums, Zoo, Tourist Spots etc. MyGuide is certified to work across any brand mobile device having Android 4.2 and above, IOS 7.0 and above and Windows.One of the big challenges today every tourist spot is facing is making available of the information in multiple langages so that the visitor has the freedom in enjoying the display in thier own native language. Further there is no convenient mechanism available to track the challenges faced by the visitors and rectify them for better facilities.
MyGuide will be implemented by Governments or Organizations who own the places of tourist interest and assists tourists with the information on the locations & displays in their native language. MyGuide Supports 165+ languages. Further MyGuide has got the Map facility that helps the visitors in reaching the location with ease.
MyGuide supports managing any volume or number of objects within the tourist spot and provides detailed information about those displays in 165+ Languages. Visitors can rate each of the display with their comments and sign their visitor book.
With the Map, users can reach out to displays easily with accurate time to reach them comfortably without any need for search. MyGuide helps you in tracking display's of large attraction, issues faced by visitors and their suggestions in upgrading over all facility.
MyGuide also takes survey on the visitors on various current topics and helps you in analysing them. You can publish push Notifications to all the users of MyGuide without any cost irrespective of their locations.
MyGuide is social media integrated solution with FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram.
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